Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Spend Your Money Well With Cheap Vacations For You!

This week, while enjoying vacation in Tennessee, I was invited to visit a promotional for another vacation plan. The presentation was very good and the sales reps were quite convincing. But the bottom line blew me away! The only package they offered that in any way compared to what Cheap Vacations for You offers through Global Resorts Network came at a cost of $60,000! plus annual fees. Even then, they had less than ½ the number of resort offerings and did not offer unlimited access. Their cheapest package was a little over $8,000. and would have given me less than two weeks of vacation time each year!

I have several friends who own their own vacation cabins or condos. They bought because of the security of owning their own property. However, in addition to the significant cost of their purchase, they have high taxes and upkeep costs and the hassle of working with rental agencies to try and get some return on their investment when they are not using it. Most significant, they spend their vacation time making repairs and improvements on their property. Yes, they spend their vacation time working! And they have no variety in their vacation options.

Others buy expensive time-shares programs. These programs are sold as trouble free and flexible. I used to own a time-share. I spent thousands of dollars to get it. I spent several hundred each year for maintenance and taxes. Because I like diversity and didn't really like the location I purchased, each year I tried to get vacation time at other exciting locations. I never did. Locations where never available when I wanted them. After several years of such experience I tried to sell my share. Get this! I couldn't even give it to a family member! I finally got rid of it when I quit paying the fees.

Most people simply go on vacation by leaving home and staying at a hotel somewhere. They shop online and think they get a bargain with a 10% AAA discount or something. But the average family spends about $95. a night just for their hotel room when they vacation. That is expensive rent!

At Cheap Vacations for You, you can spend your money well! The bargains are amazing. The service is quick and professional. The resorts are world class. The vacation options are practically endless. Spend your money well at Cheap Vacations For You.

By Sandy Adams

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